So now that Charlie is walking, he apparently thins he can do anything! Check out this kid going down the slide..FACE FIRST!! He did eat dirt a couple times, but he was also able to catch himself. And seriously, hi did this a million times as it took me that many times to get the right shots!
Getting ready to go...

On the way..with Daddy close behind.

At the bottom.
The boy LOVES being outside!! When I get home from work and pick him up, he waves bye-bye to go outside. He loves it!
He also likes to go off the back of W's recliner face first, as long as there is a pillow on the floor! He will do the same off the couch, face first! He has no fear! I love that he doesn't but sometimes he scares the bejeezus out of us!
We did swim lesosns this summer! Again, he LOVED it! Everyweek, no matter what the temperature was he would laugh and laugha nd splash and splash! One of the other mom asked if we had a pool because he was so comfortable inthe water. W took him swimming in his brother's pool and Charlie seemed to think he could do it imself as he kept pushing W's hands off! Baby, you're not that good yet!
So in other news..I ran my last half marathon for a looong time two weeks ago. Why for a long time?? Well for one, its really hard to train in the summer. Two, I want to run for fun and not feel guilty that I didn't get my training run in. 3, Its kind of pricey for halfs. and lastly, I hope to be pregnant in the next couple months and that automaticaly takes me out for the next year at the least.
Charlie's walking is getting better and better!! He is less wobbly everyday and almost looks likes he's been walking forever! He is getting so big!!
He is still a somewhat picky eater but loves oreos, pizza, mandarin oranges, apple pieces and EGGS! he hates green beans and carrots and peas. And he used to be soo good at eating his vegetables. Not so much anymore.
That's all that is going on in our neck of the woods. I can't believe summer is already almost over! This coming weekend we are joining our neighbors a their lake house for a day..the next weekend I am off to my BFF's wedding..and then it's labor day! So sad that summer is over..