Charlie marked his four month birthday...two weeks ago!!! We went for his checkup, complete with shots. He weighed in at 15 lbs 10 oz, 24 in. he is growing like a weed!!
We were also able to start some cereal. He didn't do so well the first couple days so we stopped. I was sure he wasn't ready and that confirmed it. The cereal cam back out of the mouth and he didn't acknowledge the spoon. So we have been trying intermittently since then and I think he finally got it tonight!! I also switched from rice to whole wheat cereal. I think that made a difference. I can't wait for him to taste other foods and see his reaction!!
Charlie also discovered his hands! They go in his mouth every chance he gets...I am so proud of him for that! ;) I have been waiting for him to start using his hands. He is trying but isn't quite grasping anything yet. If gets anything between his hands he pushes it right to his mouth...which leads me to think maybe, just maybe he might be teething. We also have had bouts of inconsolable screaming...I stuck my finger in his mouth and he bit down which made him scream even more. Poor thing. The Dr said the bottom two are right there but it could still be months before they push it's just wait and see and comfort him as much as possible.

The mornings with Charlie are the BEST!! He wakes up Happy (not sure where he got that from!) and smiley and talks your ear off! I love it sooo much! ANd am usually sad to leave if he gets up before I go to work...but weekends, man I love it!! He has lately gotten giggly and smiley and so very talkative! I LOVE LOVE it!!
One more big thing is his head control! Charlie has always been able to pick his head up and has held it up pretty well for quite some time. But he is really getting some great control! We have been putting him in his new exersaucer for a few weeks and he doesn't bang his face anymore! lol!