Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

-I did not work ~60 hours last week and miss my son terribly. Nope not me. I love my evenings with him and nothing is more important than spending that quality time him...err except maybe staying employed so we can still pay the mortgage.
-I did not tell my bosses 'too bad, so sad' one night last week so that I could have ONE night home with the babe. Nope, I didn't leave at 5 so I could have a couple hours when there was TONS of work to do and only to have to work til midnight the next night!
-I did not come home to find a clean house, dishes done, and laundry washed, dryed and put away. Nope..I am a super mom and can do it all and work a 60 hour week. W is the best.
-Speaking of W, I did not just tell him he was off his rocker when he told me that Chalres needs to drink water to get iron! What?!?! And he further explained that the reasons kids are weak is because they are not drinking tap water! again...What?!?! He is silly...
-I did not complain of being exhausted all weekend only to not go to bed early. Nope I need my sleep and I get as much as I can..unless it interferes with work or going to the apple orchard of course.
-I did not let my nearly 7 month old son entertain himself for about 15 minutes last night because he does not LOVE the new jumper that we are borrowing. Seriously he would have jumped al night. And he thought it was the funniest thing again today! I have never seen him laugh so much (seriously) and he is an overly happy baby!
-And last but not least..I am NOT dragging W to the pumpkin patch next weekend in hopes of starting some new family traditions. I think he only agreed to it because I asked while I was super busy at work and he knows how much that stresses me, oh and his fav cousin will be going to.
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