after taking a bit of Daddy's Granny Smith Apple! HA HA HA!!
Charlie is getting SO big!! He turned ten months old yesterday...I can hardly beleive he will be a year old in two short little months! Where has the last year gone?!?
Here is what he is up to lately:
Reading his books....
Playing and general mischief:
Trying to climb on things..Daddy is his favorite thing to climb on and over:
Cuddling with his blanket: (we often find him in weird positions with his blankie...and no he didn't suffocate, he is still alive and well!)
After a week of amoxicillin, his ear and croup have gone away...hopefully for good. The amoxicillin did cause some GI issues with him and the poor thing ended up with a raw bottom. Thankfully that has cleared up as well. He is back to eating all four of 8 ounce bottles everydya..AND lots of baby food! Fruits and all! I was in shock when W called me one day at work and said he ate three tubs (3.5oz) of food in one sitting...and one of them was fruit! So far he has benn doing this every day (and still eating dinner too!). I hope he keeps it up. He is doing better with chewing and chunky foods gagging anymore! He does like to suck on things for awhile though, especially if I give him a bite of my food while he is playing.
Our newest 'issue', which really isn't a big issue, is bedtime. I worked late a lot of nights over the last two weeks and left Daddy on duty for bedtime (its usually my job) and he didn't always put Charlie to bed at 8 (which is his normal bed time). He would let him play until he was 'ready' which was sometimes 9. Uh, not ok! So now I have to 're-train' him to go to bed at 8. tonight went ok..he actually went to bed early due to lack of an afternoon nap. But last night was awful. I thought I had him down but then W and I made noise and then he was up again...and cried in my arms for 30 minutes!! I am not sure who it was worse for, me or him...
He is doing everything else a normal 10-month old should be doing..babbling, crawling, pulling up...We are still working on using a sippy cup (he has the concept down, but chews instead of sucks it), mimicking my movements (clapping, pointing, waving, sign language) and someother minor things I can't think of right now....I am not worried at all about these as I know they will come. He loves to crawl on the couch, loves his bath, loves cheerios, and LOVES his daddy!!
How far we have come...
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