So first off..

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
So lets get going..
-I certainly did not picka pimple on my face only for to implode UNDER my skin, resulting in a very swollen face and a 6 day regimine of antibiotics. Nope..I leave those things alone everytime and let them do whatever it is they are going to do..
- I do not allow my son to snack all day...I mean he should be eating 3 meals a day now and having milk as a drink right? I never let him eat a whole bowl of puffs or cheerios just because he wants them..and we never leave them just laying around the living room for him to grab whenever!
-I am not feeling guilty that I am not having a big shindig for Charlie's first birthday. I mean he won't remember anyway right??
-I most certainly did not try to cut Charlie's hair prior to getting his one year pics taken. Nope I leave that up to the professionals! Because I certainly wouldn't have botched it and made him look silly (ok it was only the back that is bad..I think I may have kinda fixed it so its not too too bad anymore)
-After declaring that I was committing to running a half marathon in 10 short weeks...I did not stop working out/training all together for two whole weeks. Nope running is very important to me and I make sure I get a few miles in every day. It helped that Charlie gave me his cold and then my face swelled up... I have the training program no so we should be all good!!
-I did not send my husband to the store yesterday knowing full well that he doesn't check prices and usually comes home with junk food. Nope. I take that responsibility and try to save as much money as I can...I am certainly not too lazy to go to the grocery store.
-On my four days off of work (and the weekend), I certainly did not stay home the entire time, only leaving only once to take Charlie to the Dr. Nope I like going out of house and hate staying home...really! (ok we were sick otherwise we would've been out and about)
Ok I think thats all I have for now...
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