Exciting news: Since I have been stable (no contractions) Dr says I can go home at 34 weeks!! That's only a little over two weeks away! So I now have something to look forward to!
The baby was measured yesterday too..he is weighing in at approximately 3lbs 14 oz. That puts him in the 50th percentile for babies at his gestation. We're hoping to get a few more pounds on him in the next few weeks.
Yesterday was an exciting day for me! Danyel (and Lincoln), Karen and Lita (and Lita's boys Cal & Mason) all came to visit and brought a few things for the baby..kind of like a 'mini-shower'! I knew Danyel was coming, but the others were a complete surprise! I got to hold little Lincoln for a little while and made him giggle! He is such a cutie...
I got these flowers from one of W's good friends (pseudo brother):

And these were from Karen:

They are beatiful! I received the first bouquet on Friday and other than the roses, it still looks gorgeous!
Here is something fun about being on bedrest...When you lay around all day for days on end, your blood tends to pool, and you become prone to blood clots. To prevent that, the Dr will usually give some type of compression garment, socks or something. I got these nifty little leg 'braces' that go from ankle to mid thigh. Every 45 secs, they fill with air, starting at the ankle to help circulation. I am supposed to wear them all day, but I only do at night.. Aren't they pretty?!?!

While we are hoping to not have a baby for atleast a few more weeks, we are starting to get ready! W was able to put up the pack-n-play for him to sleep in and he is also getting ready to put the carseat in the car. We have a few more outfits and clothing for him. And I am hoping to get out of here with enough time to go get some of the other essentials like baby wash, diapers, wipes, and maybe some more onesies.
I also met one of the other moms that is staying here as well. She is pregnant with twin boys! She is 29 weeks and was admitted two days before me. The poor thing has been on the mag the ENTIRE time she has been here! Everytime they take her off or lower the dose, her contractions pick up. They haven't been able to get her contractions to completely stop. Poor thing. Oh, and she is from McHenry so its even harder for her husband and family to visit her.
Hi Heather!
ReplyDeleteso glad you started a blog. I will be checking in on you:)
Hang in there.. you must be going crazy but how great that you will come home in a couple weeks?! Does that mean you can run to Target?LOL:)
I have been thinking of you and I'm glad you are both okay.
Take Care,