Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week
It's been a couple weeks since I did this post..so here we go again!!
I did not take my baby out on THE hottest day of the year (so far) just to show him off to some of our nurses at the hospital..nope, we stay in when its cool!! Good thing he slept the whole way
Last week I had the week off to take care of the baby and I did not wish every morning, after sleeping for 11 hours straight, that he would sleep just a little bit longer!
And I never get on and update my blog at work!!! Ha! I am super productive each and everyday that I am here! Including right now at this very moment...er, maybe I am taking a small break.
While watching my nephews last night, I didn't put cartoons on for their entertainment while I tended to the baby! Nope! Honestly they don't have cable at home so they love coming to my house to watch cartoons!
I di not push and push and push W until he got ALL of our stuff moved, essentially by himself, in one weekend, just so that I could live in our new house! We didn't pay rent before and had all the time in the world to wait...but I needed it done ASAP!!
I did not leave my son with my sister yet again...this time for a full day and two more days to follow..I mean after all, I haven't been spontaneously watching her kids for the last seven years!! Love those boys!
And lastly, I did not return to work having a full week off only to call the insurance agent to get a new policy for W's car and spend 1/2 hour on the phone! I absolutely could not do that at home, during my time off..
Ok I must go now as I already got caught posting this 'Not Me'!!