No we weren't 'admitted', but I learned yesterday that you are not fully discharged from NICU services until the baby no longer requires follow up visits. We were officially discharged from NICU services yesterday!
Charles weighed in at a whopping 18lbs 3.5oz and 26 3/4 in.!! He was rated in the 97th percentile for his 'adjusted' age (about 4 months). The NP we saw referred to him as a hot rod!
It was a fun visit, to say the least! She performs a series of tests to determine wher he is developmentally. He passed nearly all with flying colors!! The ones that he was if-y on were standing (he wanted to stand on his toes and wouldn't stand on his heels, although he does for us and id it right after she left the room!); pulling himself up from a laying position (holding on to her fingers) and touching his toes (he still ahs no interest in his feet). I'm not sure entirely what the numbers mean but they consider a 10 excellent and right on track for Fine and gross moor skills...Charles was rated a 15 and 19!!!! And his development is that of a 5 and 6 month old!! Woo hoo!
So needless to say...we were discharged!! (with the caveat that if we ever feel Charles needs to be evaluated, we can call and he will be 're-admitted')
We were also excited to see some of our old nurses...Denise and Elise! They were also very impressed by his growth. He flirted with them the entire time they were holding him! I should have taken pics..(I mean if Denise would have let me! lol!)
ALSO...Please help me say some prayers for a friend's little baby girl...Josie Emma was born on Monday morning. They knew that she had a growth on her hand and something going on with her kidneys. Upon her arrival, it turns out she has much bigger issues going on with her lower GI and kidneys, and may also have to have a procedure done today. She is currently in the NICU and her Mom is recovering in another hospital.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
No focus..
Lately, I can't focus on ANYTHING!
It's Monday morning, I have plenty of work that needs to be tended too, but I can't get my head 'in the game'.
All I want to do is be home with W and Charles...I have the next two days off, but what about the days after that? And the weeks after that??
I also can't seem to make myself workout and eat healthy consistently enough to lose the baby weight I am still holding onto..about 10lbs to get back my pre-baby physique.
It's Monday morning, I have plenty of work that needs to be tended too, but I can't get my head 'in the game'.
All I want to do is be home with W and Charles...I have the next two days off, but what about the days after that? And the weeks after that??
I also can't seem to make myself workout and eat healthy consistently enough to lose the baby weight I am still holding onto..about 10lbs to get back my pre-baby physique.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A blog post that is NOT about the baby! You may not want to read if you only want to know about Charlie!! lol!
This was the first weekend that W and have had NOTHING going on. We were finally able to make some real progress on the yard. W wants to take everything out, I would like to keep some of our nice bushes, but I am losing the battle. He is letting me re-landscape the fron and back...just no big bushes, and nothing that overhangs the sidewalk.

So here is what we got done (I don't have any before pics, so just picture in your head overgrown plants and weeds in all areas that are now dirt!)
And this is what still needs to be done...
-W wants tot ake all these pine bushes out..after it's all out I will just seed this so its grass all the way to the house.
And this is just W working...he loves that I took his picture and posted it (well, he would if he knew I did this...hee hee!)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
One year ago...
I should have posted this yesterday..but it just occurred to me that it was exactly one year ago that I discovered I was pregnant! I can still remember the day (and the days that followed)like it was yesterday.
The prior weekend I had gone to visit my bestest friend and had a drink or two. The next morning, I felt like I had done shots all night long!! I had a drink each night the next two nights. I thought I was in the clear..a negative test a week before and what I thought was my cycle starting that Friday morning. By Sunday evening I had a monster headache I took Aleve and maybe even a migraine pill and went to bed. I called off work the next day due to the headache. That evening it occurred to me the possibility...It was literally like a light bulb went on!!
The next day, Tuesday, August 19, I went to work, but the thought of being pregnant was gnawing at me. I made an excuse to my boss and quickly ran over to Target and back. My nerves were getting to me and I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom...but alas only two drops, both of which landed on the stick. Disappointed in 'ruining' the test, I returned to my desk and drank another bottle of water. Within an hour I was ready to test again. Since I only 'got a drop' on that first stick I figured I would just use it again. When I pulled it out it was already positive!! I was in complete shock! I took another test just to be sure and the screen immediately showed two three minute wait, my hormones were already high!
Frantically I tried to get a hold of W...he of course was sleeping! I got a hold of my BFF first. Most of my side of the conversation was "OMG! OMG!" W finally called back and I broke the news. His first reaction "I thought I had more time"! Lol! We definitely were not expecting to get pregnant in the first month! We had vacation planned in September and we were to start 'trying' then.
The next call was to my GP and I was scheduled that day. Then, my sister. She was less than pleased. Not the reaction I expected at all!! We laugh about it now (yes she came around and very quickly)but, man, my feelings were hurt.
We told my Mom in person the following weekend. I took her a card with a picture of W and I in it along with a picture of the positive pregnancy test. I was going to use that to tell her, but ended up just saying it before I gave her the card. We then waited a few more weeks to tell W's family. That is another hilarious story!! Phones really should be taken away from people who are completely wasted at 5am!!!!
Who knew at that point what would ensue just a short five months later...
The prior weekend I had gone to visit my bestest friend and had a drink or two. The next morning, I felt like I had done shots all night long!! I had a drink each night the next two nights. I thought I was in the clear..a negative test a week before and what I thought was my cycle starting that Friday morning. By Sunday evening I had a monster headache I took Aleve and maybe even a migraine pill and went to bed. I called off work the next day due to the headache. That evening it occurred to me the possibility...It was literally like a light bulb went on!!
The next day, Tuesday, August 19, I went to work, but the thought of being pregnant was gnawing at me. I made an excuse to my boss and quickly ran over to Target and back. My nerves were getting to me and I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom...but alas only two drops, both of which landed on the stick. Disappointed in 'ruining' the test, I returned to my desk and drank another bottle of water. Within an hour I was ready to test again. Since I only 'got a drop' on that first stick I figured I would just use it again. When I pulled it out it was already positive!! I was in complete shock! I took another test just to be sure and the screen immediately showed two three minute wait, my hormones were already high!
Frantically I tried to get a hold of W...he of course was sleeping! I got a hold of my BFF first. Most of my side of the conversation was "OMG! OMG!" W finally called back and I broke the news. His first reaction "I thought I had more time"! Lol! We definitely were not expecting to get pregnant in the first month! We had vacation planned in September and we were to start 'trying' then.
The next call was to my GP and I was scheduled that day. Then, my sister. She was less than pleased. Not the reaction I expected at all!! We laugh about it now (yes she came around and very quickly)but, man, my feelings were hurt.
We told my Mom in person the following weekend. I took her a card with a picture of W and I in it along with a picture of the positive pregnancy test. I was going to use that to tell her, but ended up just saying it before I gave her the card. We then waited a few more weeks to tell W's family. That is another hilarious story!! Phones really should be taken away from people who are completely wasted at 5am!!!!
Who knew at that point what would ensue just a short five months later...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Another week gone by
Time goes by way way way too fast these days. My days (when I am not at work) seem so robotic (explanation to come) that before I know it it's bed time again. Explanation: We (charlie and I ) get up, eat, have a bottle, play, nap and we go through that cycle 4-5 times during the day. Really I LOVE it, but the day sure goes by way to fast. So fast in fact that Charlie is already FIVE months old!!
We did have some excitement this weekend. A good friend celebrated her 29th birthday with a pool party and we spent Saturday afternoon over there. Charlie swam a bit but I didn;t get in so he couldn't stay in very long. And then we spent the rest of the afternoon on the lawn (in the shade of course!) His first big day outside! He went to bed a bit early that noght and slept for OVER 12 hours! He was tired!
Sunday we went to my Mom's to visit her and get some tomatoes (her garden is exploding with tomatoes right now). That also entails a visit with Gus, her big hyper golden retriever. Charlie totally dug the dog! Gus couldn't get enough of him! But Charlie never flinched, cried or whined the entire time, even when Gus tried to take his blanket and may have nipped his toes and hands. He even cracked a few half smiles at the dog! I loved it since I want a dog next year.
Sunday also brought a visit from Danyel and her two boys. Lincoln is getting so big and both boys poked at each other a bit! I can't wait til they can actually play together!
So its back to the grind again this week...I sure could use some time off! (Because you know 15 weeks at the beginning of the year wasn't enough!) Next week I will be home for two days and I can't wait!! We are taking Charlie to his (most likely) last NICU follow up appointment on Tuesday. Our regular Dr says he is all caught up, so I am guessing the NICU clinic won't need to see him anymore. And then the other day I am just relaxing..maybe getting caught up (or atleast a couple months) on Charlie's baby book. I am so far in hardly started! I need to get on that so I don't have a full year to do all at once! My sister was kind enough to get all the stuff for me so I really need to put it together.
We did have some excitement this weekend. A good friend celebrated her 29th birthday with a pool party and we spent Saturday afternoon over there. Charlie swam a bit but I didn;t get in so he couldn't stay in very long. And then we spent the rest of the afternoon on the lawn (in the shade of course!) His first big day outside! He went to bed a bit early that noght and slept for OVER 12 hours! He was tired!
Sunday we went to my Mom's to visit her and get some tomatoes (her garden is exploding with tomatoes right now). That also entails a visit with Gus, her big hyper golden retriever. Charlie totally dug the dog! Gus couldn't get enough of him! But Charlie never flinched, cried or whined the entire time, even when Gus tried to take his blanket and may have nipped his toes and hands. He even cracked a few half smiles at the dog! I loved it since I want a dog next year.
Sunday also brought a visit from Danyel and her two boys. Lincoln is getting so big and both boys poked at each other a bit! I can't wait til they can actually play together!
So its back to the grind again this week...I sure could use some time off! (Because you know 15 weeks at the beginning of the year wasn't enough!) Next week I will be home for two days and I can't wait!! We are taking Charlie to his (most likely) last NICU follow up appointment on Tuesday. Our regular Dr says he is all caught up, so I am guessing the NICU clinic won't need to see him anymore. And then the other day I am just relaxing..maybe getting caught up (or atleast a couple months) on Charlie's baby book. I am so far in hardly started! I need to get on that so I don't have a full year to do all at once! My sister was kind enough to get all the stuff for me so I really need to put it together.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Not Me Monday!
I haven't participated in a few weeks, so certainly I have some "Not Me's" to share!
First, I did not ignore my child's screaming on the last hour of our 2.5 hour drive home, hoping that he would just fall asleep. Nope. Not me.
I certainly did not update my blog while working, on the busiest day of my month! Nope I wouldn't put the reports due to the VP on hold while I update you and teh fact that my son can now roll over in bed!
I did not flip out on W yesterday when he didn't do what I wanted him to do when I wanted him to do it. I mean afterall he manages to take care of the baby and get stuff done right? So why can't I? It certainly wasn't 90 degrees with 100% humidity today so Charles could have certainly sat out side with me while I pulled weeds...Yea. Not so much.
I did not call my sister every day last week. Atleast I don't think it was every day...but it was pretty darn close! She loves that I call her to chat while I am driving homefrom work! Because I never call her about nothing...
I did not drag my 5 month old son two and a half hour away from home to attend a baby shower and see a friend. He did so well, that he promptly spewed his entire bottle on a random guest of said shower whilst I was trying to get food. Oh yea and I certainly wouldn't pawn him off to a stranger to hold while I selfishly try to feed myself! Overall, well worth the trip!
I'm sure I have many other faults from the last month or so..but can't think of them. I seriously have way too many things going on to remember everything!

First, I did not ignore my child's screaming on the last hour of our 2.5 hour drive home, hoping that he would just fall asleep. Nope. Not me.
I certainly did not update my blog while working, on the busiest day of my month! Nope I wouldn't put the reports due to the VP on hold while I update you and teh fact that my son can now roll over in bed!
I did not flip out on W yesterday when he didn't do what I wanted him to do when I wanted him to do it. I mean afterall he manages to take care of the baby and get stuff done right? So why can't I? It certainly wasn't 90 degrees with 100% humidity today so Charles could have certainly sat out side with me while I pulled weeds...Yea. Not so much.
I did not call my sister every day last week. Atleast I don't think it was every day...but it was pretty darn close! She loves that I call her to chat while I am driving homefrom work! Because I never call her about nothing...
I did not drag my 5 month old son two and a half hour away from home to attend a baby shower and see a friend. He did so well, that he promptly spewed his entire bottle on a random guest of said shower whilst I was trying to get food. Oh yea and I certainly wouldn't pawn him off to a stranger to hold while I selfishly try to feed myself! Overall, well worth the trip!
I'm sure I have many other faults from the last month or so..but can't think of them. I seriously have way too many things going on to remember everything!
Friday, August 7, 2009
He's a mover!!
So I had every intention of posting som epics this morning, but I forgot to bring the connector cord to work with me to download the pics I want to post!
So let me just tellyou what they are all about!
We put Charles to bed sometime between 8 and 9pm everynight. And he is a tummy sleeper and we put him length wise in the crib. MOST nights he sleeps all the way through (Thursday night he was up 2 times). So last night it was businsess as usual...and he slept all night. I heard him through the monitor at 6 am so I went in to get him, and what did I find? Charles is 1) on his back and 2) turned 90 degrees so his feet are pointing to the side of the crib! Mind you he NEVER rolls over if you are paying attention to him!! But it seems every morning he wakes up and rolls over before letting us know he is awake!
Tomorrow Charles and I are going on our first 'Road Trip'! We are heading to Peoria for my running partner's baby shower (obviously we haven't been running together lately!) and also going to visit my BFF nad college roommate! I am looking forward to a great time with her, even though it won't be our usual 'routine' visit!!
I am both anxious and excited! I haven't traveled that far or driven that long with him so I hope he does ok. I am trying to schedule our drive in between bottles and during times he would normally be sleeping. And in my head right now I am thinking of ALL the things I need to pack for the know, just in case somehting happens!!
So let me just tellyou what they are all about!
We put Charles to bed sometime between 8 and 9pm everynight. And he is a tummy sleeper and we put him length wise in the crib. MOST nights he sleeps all the way through (Thursday night he was up 2 times). So last night it was businsess as usual...and he slept all night. I heard him through the monitor at 6 am so I went in to get him, and what did I find? Charles is 1) on his back and 2) turned 90 degrees so his feet are pointing to the side of the crib! Mind you he NEVER rolls over if you are paying attention to him!! But it seems every morning he wakes up and rolls over before letting us know he is awake!
Tomorrow Charles and I are going on our first 'Road Trip'! We are heading to Peoria for my running partner's baby shower (obviously we haven't been running together lately!) and also going to visit my BFF nad college roommate! I am looking forward to a great time with her, even though it won't be our usual 'routine' visit!!
I am both anxious and excited! I haven't traveled that far or driven that long with him so I hope he does ok. I am trying to schedule our drive in between bottles and during times he would normally be sleeping. And in my head right now I am thinking of ALL the things I need to pack for the know, just in case somehting happens!!
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