I should have posted this yesterday..but it just occurred to me that it was exactly one year ago that I discovered I was pregnant! I can still remember the day (and the days that followed)like it was yesterday.
The prior weekend I had gone to visit my bestest friend and had a drink or two. The next morning, I felt like I had done shots all night long!! I had a drink each night the next two nights. I thought I was in the clear..a negative test a week before and what I thought was my cycle starting that Friday morning. By Sunday evening I had a monster headache I took Aleve and maybe even a migraine pill and went to bed. I called off work the next day due to the headache. That evening it occurred to me the possibility...It was literally like a light bulb went on!!
The next day, Tuesday, August 19, I went to work, but the thought of being pregnant was gnawing at me. I made an excuse to my boss and quickly ran over to Target and back. My nerves were getting to me and I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom...but alas only two drops, both of which landed on the stick. Disappointed in 'ruining' the test, I returned to my desk and drank another bottle of water. Within an hour I was ready to test again. Since I only 'got a drop' on that first stick I figured I would just use it again. When I pulled it out it was already positive!! I was in complete shock! I took another test just to be sure and the screen immediately showed two lines...no three minute wait, my hormones were already high!
Frantically I tried to get a hold of W...he of course was sleeping! I got a hold of my BFF first. Most of my side of the conversation was "OMG! OMG!" W finally called back and I broke the news. His first reaction "I thought I had more time"! Lol! We definitely were not expecting to get pregnant in the first month! We had vacation planned in September and we were to start 'trying' then.
The next call was to my GP and I was scheduled that day. Then, my sister. She was less than pleased. Not the reaction I expected at all!! We laugh about it now (yes she came around and very quickly)but, man, my feelings were hurt.
We told my Mom in person the following weekend. I took her a card with a picture of W and I in it along with a picture of the positive pregnancy test. I was going to use that to tell her, but ended up just saying it before I gave her the card. We then waited a few more weeks to tell W's family. That is another hilarious story!! Phones really should be taken away from people who are completely wasted at 5am!!!!
Who knew at that point what would ensue just a short five months later...
I was thinking about that exactly a week ago :0)!! Time has flown by and now our little ones are here growing so beautiful and so fast... Doesn't it feel like it has been the hardest and the best at the same time?