Wednesday, August 26, 2009


No we weren't 'admitted', but I learned yesterday that you are not fully discharged from NICU services until the baby no longer requires follow up visits. We were officially discharged from NICU services yesterday!

Charles weighed in at a whopping 18lbs 3.5oz and 26 3/4 in.!! He was rated in the 97th percentile for his 'adjusted' age (about 4 months). The NP we saw referred to him as a hot rod!

It was a fun visit, to say the least! She performs a series of tests to determine wher he is developmentally. He passed nearly all with flying colors!! The ones that he was if-y on were standing (he wanted to stand on his toes and wouldn't stand on his heels, although he does for us and id it right after she left the room!); pulling himself up from a laying position (holding on to her fingers) and touching his toes (he still ahs no interest in his feet). I'm not sure entirely what the numbers mean but they consider a 10 excellent and right on track for Fine and gross moor skills...Charles was rated a 15 and 19!!!! And his development is that of a 5 and 6 month old!! Woo hoo!

So needless to say...we were discharged!! (with the caveat that if we ever feel Charles needs to be evaluated, we can call and he will be 're-admitted')

We were also excited to see some of our old nurses...Denise and Elise! They were also very impressed by his growth. He flirted with them the entire time they were holding him! I should have taken pics..(I mean if Denise would have let me! lol!)

ALSO...Please help me say some prayers for a friend's little baby girl...Josie Emma was born on Monday morning. They knew that she had a growth on her hand and something going on with her kidneys. Upon her arrival, it turns out she has much bigger issues going on with her lower GI and kidneys, and may also have to have a procedure done today. She is currently in the NICU and her Mom is recovering in another hospital.

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